DiskImage Server
Advanced Backup and Recovery
to Protect Your Computers
A complete imaging solution for all windows servers
Creating images of entire servers is one of the standard measures currently taken by companies for protecting their data and system configurations. Laplink DiskImage Server Edition takes this one step further by providing features that make your job as an Administrator significantly easier.
Among these features are the network support made possible by our Enterprise Management Console and the Job Assistant for time-scheduling a variety of jobs. Remote installation and creating images within a network can now be done directly from your workstation. What’s more, forensic imaging for purposes of data recovery and the Start CD (which can be used even under defective Windows systems) are often the very last hope for your company’s data when trouble strikes.
Feature | Benefit |
One-Click Imaging | Create images effortlessly of entire PCs or individual partitions with virtually no time investment and no loss of IT staff or user productivity. |
Drive Zones | Choose between space saving used sector imaging (to reduce storage utilization), or all-encompassing forensic imaging (to better insure complete recovery of lost data). |
Fast, Easy to Use Rescue Tools | Quickly recover lost data from system failures – even for systems where Windows is unable to boot — and minimize any potential damage to your business with our bootable Start PC and integrated rescue tools. |
Individual File Restore | Increase IT staff and user productivity by providing easy access to critical files and folders from an image without having to restore the entire image. |
Scheduled Imaging | Minimize IT staff and user time investment by setting up pre-scheduled, automated imaging jobs. |
Important Features at a Glance
One-click imaging
Start CD with base operating system and integrated system rescue tools based on Windows
Bare metal restore – restoration direct from the Start CD
Incremental and differential imaging
Job Assistant for automated scheduling of imaging
DiskView – Graphical overview of the hard disk
Enhanced burn function of CD/DVD/Blu-ray
Support for of Microsoft Virtual PC Disks (VHD)
System tray icon to provide information on service and job status
Also creates system partition images during operation
1:1 copies of drives